When you treat life as a video game everything becomes more interesting. Instead of leveling up and getting stat points in game, why not do it IRL? We can increase our charisma, our charity, our strength, etc. in the real world. Doing these things digitally is a huge waste of time. There is nothing better than being in the real world and interacting with other human beings. We need to all stop being so afraid of each other. We need to handshake each other and look at each other face to face when we talk… Not through a cell phone or through a comment section or an email. Meet me on the street! Believe me, you will find me out there! I am always walking, wandering, and looking for the next level to play.
I can’t help but smile when I walk around the streets of Philadelphia. I try my best to share joy through my interactions on the streets with strangers as much as possible. I think in life the goal should be to tinker with the world around you like a video game. How many different interactions can you have in one walk through the mall? A new street photography challenge: talk to people!