Nobody Will Notice
Just have fun and don’t care what anyone else thinks. When I interact on the streets, I feel like I’m in the biggest playground on planet earth. The open world is an endless canvas for me to draw inspiration upon with my camera, using my intuition to guide me through whatever chaos comes my way.
Don’t Take Life So Seriously
In this brave new world where ones and zeros, digits on a screen, determine your value, I feel like it’s time for us to break free. To embrace the state of play strangely requires courage today. People seem afraid of embarrassing themselves or being judged by their neighbors. I say fuck it! Be yourself and be whatever weird version of you that you want to be.
Flesh is Fun
Real life is in the embodied reality outdoors, in physical flesh. I find it most enjoyable when I challenge myself socially and engage fully with society.
Nobody Will Notice
Nobody cares what car you drive. Nobody cares what clothes you’re wearing. Nobody cares what kind of iPhone you have. Nobody cares if you’re walking around without a shirt on or blasting music from a speaker. Hell, in Philly, nobody even cares if you’re pissing or taking a shit in public on a busy street.
The Shortness of Life
The point I’m trying to stress here is that you are here for a blip, a brief moment, a wisp in time. Nobody gives a shit about your life. Nobody will notice.