Start a YouTube channel

I believe that YouTube is a great place to index your thoughts, artwork, and anything in between.


YouTube has a powerful capability to archive and store things perhaps forever. Using YouTube as a way to direct people to your website is a good idea, even if you pull in just a few people that are interested in your work. The most joy I’ve ever had in creating has been this past year, publishing a variety of videos using my GoPro Mini as my main tool to document.

GoPro POV it all

In terms of uploading, we should not upload in terms of maximizing viewer count, pleasing the algorithms, or even seeking feedback. The goal is to simply share things so that you can relive your experiences in this augmented format. I believe using the GoPro as a notetaking tool is a great idea. Also, looking back at some of my travel experiences and simple everyday routines is a great way to spend some downtime and consume my own media. The power of a GoPro is incredible. You can put yourself back in your shoes and relive your memories directly through the screen. At the end of the day, this seems to be YouTube’s core mission initially.

Just disable it

A simple heuristic is that you should create the media that you wish to see manifest in the world. Because of this, just disable all statistics, such as likes and comments from your videos. Just create for yourself, and one other person.

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