The Will to Photograph
Just Move Your Damn Body!
When it comes to street photography, there’s a tendency to overthink — what a photo should be, could be, ought to be. But the truth is, a photograph is more than just a snapshot; it’s a reflection of your courage, your energy, your lust for life. The more you genuinely lust for life, the more alive your photographs will become. So, where does this drive, this hunger to capture life, come from?
The Will to Power
Photography isn’t just about seeing; it’s about moving. It’s rooted in the physical — the power to walk, to engage with the world through movement. Imagine the will to power as more than just a metaphor; it’s about physical power. The more strength and energy you have, the more you’ll find yourself out there, engaging with the world. With every step, your curiosity sharpens, and the world unfolds in new ways.
“The more power you have, the more you’ll move your body. The more you move your body, the more you will see, and ultimately the more you will photograph.”
For a street photographer, this is the goal: get out there, move, and press the shutter. Your physical power feeds your lust for life, which drives you to photograph again and again.
Lusting for Life Through the Lens
Street photography isn’t about grand moments or curated scenes; it’s about being right there, on the front lines of life. Every sound, every sight, every smell contributes to the experience. By engaging with all your senses, you immerse yourself in life’s complexity and let it reveal itself through the lens. When you’re filled with joy and playfulness, your lust for life becomes visible in your work.
“The more that you lust for life, the more that it will reflect within your photographs.”
It’s simple: the more you walk, the more you see. The more you see, the more you photograph. Street photography thrives on the energy you bring, on the desire to connect with the world around you. It’s about moving, feeling, noticing.
Achieving Flow: Embrace the Journey, Not the Destination
To capture the essence of life, let go of preconceptions. Enter the flow state where you’re fully present, observing without judgment. Talk to strangers, breathe in the moment, and just move your damn body. Let each step be an invitation to see and capture the world anew. This approach opens the door to more photographs, more stories, and a deeper connection to life itself.
Stay curious, stay moving, and let each click affirm your place in this ever-evolving canvas of life.