Avoid miserable people like the plague

Stay away from miserable people like your life depends upon it.

Social contagion

It’s my belief that social contagion is a real issue in society. It seems that miserable people often times enjoy the company of other miserable people. They will try to drag you down into the hell that they’ve created for themselves. Whether it’s the use of drugs, alcohol, and smoking, a lot of miserable people will try to suck you into consuming their vice. I believe that these people that poison themselves actually hate life and can’t find joy from within.

Ghouls and goblins

A lot of people these days look like ghouls and goblins. The lack of sunlight, the amount of time spent indoors, and the lack of a nutritional diet is creating miserable people. You can quite literally see it through their physiology. It’s not healthy to desire being indoors. I believe your soul will decay and you become miserable without proper sun exposure.

Beauty must return to the world.

Whether it’s beautiful art, beautiful thoughts, and beautiful conversations, I believe in beauty’s power. Beauty inspires greatness and uplifts humanity. As artists it’s our duty to do whatever we can to restore beauty to the surface. In order to do this, you must remove misery and the ugly from your life like the plague.

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