Bring back beauty

Beauty is vital for humans to thrive. The more we stray from beauty, the more the culture decays. We are all cut from the same branch and the potential for beauty is within everybody.

Why is beauty so rare in our modern world?

Created in God’s image

Beauty is a natural, physiological thing that every human has the potential to possess in their face and bodies. I think that humans generally lack beauty in cities because of the jobs that they work as they are kept indoors inside ugly offices all day. The physiology is sacrificed for money and the result is the decay of the bodies and faces of the people.

I believe in the power of architecture and the influence that it has over the people of a city. Although City Hall is a grand and beautiful structure from the outside, the interior is disgusting and uninspiring. The lighting is brutal and the offices are stuffy and cramped with a lack of natural light. Even the glass structures that people funnel into every day to go to work are not beautiful and must be destroying the souls. I can only imagine what that does to your beautiful natural state over years of working this way.

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