Carte Blanche

Every day anew.

When I wake up in the morning I consider it like a mini birth. I never want my curiosity to end. The goal of an artist is to question everything and to remain in this child-like state until the day that we die.

Question everything

I like to ask “why” to every little detail in the world. This allows me to dig deeper into every action and every thought that I have. Don’t just live life on auto pilot and start to see beyond the surface level.

Start with a blank slate

The day that you think that you’re a master of anything is the day that you metaphorically die. The new masters are amateurs. We embrace the state of play and find ourselves in a stream of becoming through the photographic process.

Treat every day like it’s your last

You never know if you’re going to die today. The fate of all humans is our inevitable death. Allow this to fuel your actions and to stay focused on your true passions in life.

No fear. Stay curious and courageous!

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