Curiosity and Exploration

Curiosity and Exploration

Honestly, when I wake up in the morning, I’m merely wondering about what’s out there in the world. There’s something so special about curiosity, exploration, and making art. It’s a combination unlike anything else that the human experience provides.

“To walk is to live, to walk is to discover. To follow your intuition and your curiosity is ultimately the name of the game with photography.”

How curious can you become each day? This Lust for Life fuels everything—photography, exploration, art. The movement of your legs, the drive to go out into the open world where there are no limits and no ceilings, this is where motivation is found.

Embracing a Childlike Curiosity

When I wake up each day with a curious, childlike mind—forgetting everything I think I know—I find myself more open to what life has to offer. Letting life flow slowly, I find more to photograph, more to discover. Curiosity is key. At the end of the day, I look through the catalog of photos I’ve taken, wondering about the results and the lessons they reveal.

“To find yourself in a curious state and to question all the things around you—this is the way to grow.”

Finding Beauty in the Mundane

Photography becomes a way to learn, grow, and let go of the past. It’s about switching up the process, allowing yourself to let loose, and finding beauty in the mundane through a curious, childlike mind. Ask yourself: How curious are you? How much Lust for Life do you have?

Every day, let curiosity lead you to explore and find inspiration in the world around you.

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