As a photographer, I am an adventure at my core. To explore the world openly with curiosity and courage is my passion. The great outdoors is the greatest place to find yourself lost within the unknown. The state of exploration leads to discovery and asking more questions about the world and life itself. Treat the camera as an excuse or a passport to see the world and explore with an open mind. Before you head out into the world, ask yourself this question: What will reality manifest be in a photograph? Allow your curiosity to guide you and ask more questions through making more pictures. Find your “why.”

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Get outside

Firstly, I think it’s important to get your ass outside. As soon as you wake up in the morning, open your eyes wide with vigor and curiosity about what’s out there. As a photographer, this is an important state to be in. The state of curiosity to actually head out there into the wild, no matter the conditions. I like to think that there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. If it’s cold, bundle up. If it’s raining, get some Gore-Tex. The goal is to not allow the external world determine how you approach the day. I believe that photography requires the artist to flex their muscles daily. Just wake up early and catch the sunrise! With your camera in hand, fuel yourself with lust for life.

Embrace the unknown

The beauty of photography is that we can find joy in the mundane. It does not matter whether you walk the same lane, every single day or embrace a new place. To find joy in life, through the medium of photography requires this state of openness. To enter new places without any preconceived notions of what you will find will allow you to discover more beauty in the world. The unknown can seem daunting at first. You may be nervous to embrace a foreign culture or country. Perhaps there’s a trip that you’ve always desired to embark on, but you keep on planning without making action. I say, let the chips fall as they may! Embrace the state of play and don’t take yourself so seriously. To embrace the unknown requires this sense of childlike wonder about whatever is around the corner. Remain present and grounded within the moment. When embracing the unknown, it requires you to forget about the past and let go of what the future holds.

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” – Marcus Aurelius

Follow your desire

Before you head outside, don’t plan anything. I believe that the best way to operate as a photographer is to simply follow your desire. If something sparks your interest for even a moment, follow that. Just listen to your gut. If something tells you to walk a certain way, or photograph a specific subject, just do it! I oftentimes find my desire leading me towards the river sides here in my hometown, Philadelphia. There’s something about the water that simply drives me to walk that way. It’s this instinctual feeling that I have deep inside me that drives my body to these locations. I let go of any expectations of what may or may not happen. As a photographer, intuition is key. Listen to your gut, don’t plan ahead of time, and just get out there!

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