Explore your conscious and subconscious mind on the street

Just let go

Embrace the snapshot approach to making photographs. I like this approach because you tap into the subconscious mind. When you make pictures this way, you don’t really know what the results will be. I oftentimes find that what I see in the photograph is what I didn’t see in real life. When I make pictures it’s liberating and a freeing feeling to embrace the snapshot approach where I don’t take the compositions so seriously.

Use your Spidey senses

When I’m on the street I remain open with all of my senses. Use your sight, hearing, touch, and smell to guide you. When you’re out on the street, you should always be open to something new. There’s something to learn. Ask more questions.

What’s out there? I’m curious. I really want to find out more about life. What’s the truth of this matter in front of me? I find this thing to be withering and tormented by the rusted textures. It feels peculiar. Let me see what this will look like in a photograph. What’s that smell? Time to turn this way.

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