How I see the world

When I walk the streets anywhere in the world, I look for nothing specific or in particular. I try to remain as open as possible when I am exploring, fueling my curiosity with the camera.

The street as a canvas

A wise notion that I have adopted is that everything and anything can become photographable. Observe the lines, patterns, textures, and fleeting moments that occur all around you. Look at things with intention and intensity and photograph with curiosity, and spontaneity. When you view the world as a canvas, you will find infinite potential to create beautiful works of art wherever you may be.

The impermanent nature of life

The power of photography is the fact that we can champion things that otherwise go unnoticed. In this very short life of ours, how much beauty can you behold? How curious can you be? Find potential in the discarded, the downtrodden, and the things that are oftentimes left behind.

I just want to know what’s out there

Discover traces of the human experience that peek around the corners. Treat the camera as a magnifying glass and search for more clues. The joy of photography is found when you are in a place of openness, and walking with your eyes wide open without preconceived notions of what you will find. Allow yourself to become an explorer or a big kid with a camera. Don’t limit yourself with where you photograph, what you photograph, or how you photograph. Treat each photograph as a new question you ask about the world. At the end of the day, I just want to know what’s out there.

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