How the Kendama improved my street photography

The more I practice the kendama, the better I am with handling my camera on a wrist strap.

For this past one year, I’ve been practicing meditation with a Japanese toy called Kendama. Kendama is a simple wooden toy that consists of three cups, a spike, and a ball connected by a string. I treat it as a tool to meditate and practice my mind-body connection. I believe the use of the Kendama helps improve hand-eye coordination and concentration. Ultimately, the objective is to perform tricks by catching the ball in the various cups and spike. It can be become very complex and similar to juggling. It’s a technical skill, but also very creative.

Mind-body connection

I believe the Kendama has helped me become one with my camera. I like thinking that the Ricoh on a wrist wrap is very similar to a kendama with the ball and string. When I’m making pictures with my Ricoh, I’m not even looking through the LCD screen half of the time. My goal is to create photographs in a way that is fluid and spontaneous. I would like to be surprised by my results at the end of the day. By using my camera in this unconventional way, it requires a connection between my mind and body. By walking, observing, and following your gut, you can master street photography. When you’re on the street, go slow and let life flow. Just let the chips fall as they may!

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