My fasting journey

The first time I ever experienced fasting was when I lived in Jericho with a Palestinian family during Ramadan. I would fast all day and feast at night.

My journey

For the past one year, I’ve been fasting for 24 hours every single day. What this means is, I wake up in the morning, drink water, black coffee, and go all day until the sunsets before eating my first meal. Essentially, I treat every single day like it’s Ramadan, and eat one massive 100% carnivore meal of red meat at night. I’ve been able to sustain myself by 24 hour fasting and eating one meal per day, because I make sure to eat nutrient dense food that is sustainable. The problem is, a lot of the foods that we consume in America like salads and snacks simply make you hungry and don’t actually supply your body with sufficient power. When you eat foods like meat, protein, your body stores the nutrients for you to then use the next day.

Practice self control.

In this modern world we have unlimited yummy food options. Modern man is typically snacking all throughout the day. I believe that snacking quite literally causes you to be more hungry and it’s almost like seeking entertainment from your cell phone or TV. To practice self-control takes a zen like focus and discipline the modern men lacks. Go beyond the basic and put down the snacks.

No drugs or alcohol

I do not like the idea of everything being consumed in “moderation.” When it comes to drugs and alcohol, you must completely eliminate them from your life. Once you recognize that they are quite literally poisons, would you want to deliberately poison yourself?

The food pyramid is a scam

The food pyramid is designed to keep us fat. The more that I look at the different food groups listed for us to consume at different times of the day, the more I question it’s validity. Here is an image of the food pyramid that I found from Harvard University. Notice that it tells you to eat red meat sparingly.

Treat every day like it’s Ramadan

No breakfast, no lunch, and only eat one big meal at night. Only eat red meat such as beef and lamb. Chicken is not meat and fish is subpar. Pork is bad and dirty.

Eat more red meat

How to lose fat? Eat more fatty red meat. The only vegetable I consume is fermented kimchi because of its benefits for gut health. You don’t need to consume any sugary drinks and beverages such as juices and fruits. Only drink water and coffee. You don’t need any vitamins or supplements. Everything can be found in meat products. I’m starting to eat beef liver which is essentially a super food packed with all of the nutrients humans need to thrive.

Lamb is the best

My favorite meal to eat has been the lamb leg from Costco. This seems to be the best bang for your buck as it is five dollars per pound, and is very easy to prepare. I simply throw it in a slow cooker with some rosemary and salt, water, or beef broth, and let it slow cook for eight hours. This is perfect for fasting, because you can set it and forget it, and know that you will come home to your place smelling delicious, and already have a nutritious meal waiting for you as the reward at the end of your day. I find that it is juicy, tender, and the perfect serving for me.

Counting calories is foolish

When you set yourself a window in the day for you to eat, you will recognize how much food your body truly needs. You can eat as much meat as you want until satiated. The notion of counting calories is foolish at best. We’ve been taught that we take calories in, go for runs, biking, or walk, to let the calories out. I believe running and biking is the silliest thing that anyone can do for training. Cardio is mostly bad in my opinion unless sprinting or going uphill.

Lose fat, gain muscle

By fasting all day and eating one meal of meat at night, you will find a complete change in your physiology and life. Combine this with daily walking and weight lifting and you will transform into a person you won’t even recognize.

Meat, salt, and water. This is the holy trinity for man.

Training is critical

All you really need to do is go for long walks everyday. Of course, I advocate for weightlifting and gaining muscle alongside fasting and walking, but recognizing the calories actually aren’t a real concern, hopefully liberate you. Remove any scales from your house and stop weighing yourself. These numbers and metrics make us enslaved to these ideas of calories in and calories out. However, the true determining factor is losing fat and gaining muscle. You will see the fat shed off of your body very quickly as you begin your fasting journey by simply pinching your skin, or looking at your face.

Throw it all away

I believe we have taught ourselves that wasting food is bad. If your cabinets are filled with junk, just simply throw it all away or donate it to a food bank. I say, start from a clean slate and remove it all. All of the sauces, sugar, snacks, and junk that’s in your fridge and cabinets should be the first things to go before fasting. All of the carbohydrates and sugars that you consume keep you addicted to eating. My suggestion is to simply throw it all away. Once you have no food to eat in your home, it’s quite easy to start fasting, as there is nothing to grab in your reach.


At the end of the day, I’m merely seeking more power. I treat food as fuel. I simply do not care for the taste of the superfluous foods that we have available in modern life. The only real food I crave is meat at this point. Once you start, it’s hard to go back to eating other foods. Your body starts to naturally crave meat as it is truly what your body needs. After having a large meal of meat at night, it is very easy to fast the following day because your body is fueling yourself with the meal you ate the night before. I believe that we’ve been duped by notions of balanced diets and the food pyramid, because it allows us to consume more than we actually need, ultimately making you spend more.

Are you a hamster on a wheel, or a lion on the hunt?

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