Photo and Video

Sometimes a scenario calls for a video. Sometimes a scene is more photographable. I believe that combining both photo and video is the ultimate solution to creating media. Whether you make some sort of cinematic masterpiece or a perfect photograph isn’t the concern.

Multimedia approach

When I approach a location I now think about how I can conquer the scene. Sometimes it calls for a 360 video, other times I can film with my GoPro, or maybe a quick snapshot with the Ricoh will do the trick. The goal is to remain open to the various sources of media that I can produce at any given time.

You are the news agency

Considering the blog is my final place to present work, it opens unlimited possibilities for the sort of media I can create. I believe it’s a wise decision to treat yourself like a citizen journalist of your town or wherever you live in the world around you. Perhaps the power is in the hands of we the people and artists with cameras can present their perspective to the world through the medium of photography in unique ways.

The goal is to keep everything raw and authentic as possible.

When you make photos, don’t worry about what makes a “good” or “bad” photograph. The point is that it’s a real snapshot of your life. Treat the work as a digital time capsule that you will leave behind in the world. Each photo is merely a stream of becoming.

Share your POV

I believe the most liberating way to make photos and videos is considering everything as your unique point of view. Every person in the world has something worth sharing. When recording video, shoot everything in one take and publish immediately. Don’t worry about whether you said the “right” thing or made yourself appear perfect or not. Use the GoPro as a tool to uplift your voice and to share your point of view and whatever you are up to.

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