Photo Assignment: Shoot from the Window

A fun way to photograph during a commute, is to just shoot through the window. Whether I’m taking a train, plane, bus, or riding in a car, I oftentimes make photographs directly out of the window.

Embrace movement

One thing that I find interesting when photographing out of the window, is the simple fact that the vehicle is in a constant state of movement. This allows for incremental change within the compositions that you make. Set your camera to focus at infinity, and just point and shoot.

See from a new perspective

I’m very curious about shooting through windows because it unlocks a new perspective that I can’t find on the ground. Also, it’s much more interesting to look out the window and get lost in new landscapes. Try using the shape of the window to make interesting frames and new compositions. Ultimately, making pictures on the train allows the time to pass by in a fun way while also coming home with some new pictures that I wouldn’t have made otherwise.

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