Reality is beautiful

As an artist, I find all of my inspiration in the real world. To me, real life is supreme. The sounds of the seagulls chirping, the chatter of the crowd, leaves rustling in the wind, and even the chaos and noise of traffic keep me entertained and inspired.

Remain grounded in reality

In today’s modern world with internet and technology, it’s very easy to be distracted by the screen. The issue with technology and especially the iPhone is this constant connectivity and awareness of things that are not even happening around you in reality. When you’re always in tune with the latest news or celebrity gossip, you’re completely thrown out of reality and enter this pseudo social state of being. At the end of the day, your family, your church, your community, and your immediate surroundings are what truly matter. Everything else is an illusion and has nothing to do with your life.

The upside of the iPhone

My antidote to the typical iPhone use of consuming social media is by using it as a creative tool for production. It’s a great tool for me me to flesh out these thoughts using voice dictation and use simple blogging tools like WordPress. Also, the camera on the phone is an easy way to Vlog, and record your immediate surroundings. My thought is, use the technology to enhance your reality and champion the raw human experience by sharing your thoughts, perspective, and art to your own platform.

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