Sleep and strength

The earlier to bed you go, the more strength you will have the next day. Honestly, once it’s nighttime, and I finish eating my meal, I just get ready for bed and close my eyes right away. There’s no reason to stay up late, watching media, or doing things with low energy. I’d rather be up early in the morning ready to tackle the next day.

Better sleep, more power

With more sleep, I have a much more productive day. I say, just get to bed as early as humanly possible and maximize the amount of time you can spend sleeping. Real power is made in bed. No amount of coffee will give you the same amount of raw power as sleeping well.

How to get better sleep?

  • Never miss a sunrise or sunset
  • Walk or just don’t sit down during the day
  • Increase your sun exposure
  • Eat lots of meat
  • Keep all the lights off at night
  • Limit technology use before bed
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