Snapshot Street Photography

Why am I so passionate about this approach to Street Photography?

I find that the snapshot aesthetic is really beautiful when you embrace imperfection, make multiple photographs of one thing, and simply let the chips fall as they may. Ultimately, I’m just curious about what reality will manifest to be in a photograph. To extract and abstract from life itself is an interesting thought to consider when practicing street photography. When you focus on making perfect compositions, I actually believe the more boring the photographs become.

Consider the snapshot

The perfect tool for the job is a Ricoh GRIII or IIIx attached to your wrist with a wrist strap. In terms of settings for the camera I like to set it to AV mode at F8 and snap focus set to 2 meters. I think when you play more and not take your photography so seriously, you unlock more creative potential. When you consider the snapshot, hone in on the details all around you. Everything can become a potential subject to uplift in a photograph. Treat the world as a canvas. There’s infinite potential in mundane life. Go back to being an amateur photographer and return to the state of play. The more I open myself up to more subject matter, whether it’s the grungy texture on the floor, the patterns on the walls, faces, people, architecture, etc. it makes photography more fun!

Channel your inner lust for life

I hope to share this sense of wonder and awe within life itself that I find forever fascinating. Become a flaneur in your town. Walk carelessly, but photograph with intention and intensity. At the end of the day, street photography is an ethos. It’s a way of seeing and doing things. Don’t get caught up with what makes a “good” or “bad” photograph, and just have fun with it!

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