Street Photography Technique: Hunting

Street photographers are like hunters. While we are walking through the streets, observing everyday life, it’s critical to always be prepared and ready to press the shutter before the decisive moment occurs. The hunting technique is all about movement, speed, and patience.

Look down the street

When you’re on the hunt, you must be ready before the moments you desire to photograph even occur. Look down the street and predict the movement patterns of people as they walk towards you. Watch the feet of people, observe gestures, and recognize the flow of traffic in your town. Anticipation is critical when on the hunt. Stay vigilant and always keep your head on a swivel.

Movement, speed, and patience

For what is street photography, but merely walking, observing, making photos, failing, and making some more photos. When you’re on the hunt, recognize that the more that you move, the more that you will see and ultimately shoot. You don’t have to walk with such speed, but you should photograph with intensity. I prefer to walk slowly on the street and remain vigilant and patient on the hunt. I let life flow towards me and I’m simply there with my camera, ready to pounce. I find that the compositions I create while walking and moving my physical body are more interesting. When you’re on the hunt, you’re always watching, always ready to press that shutter. Also, it’s important to remember that failure is mostly what happens when you’re on the street. You’re going to make a lot of failed photos, but in the end, the more that you remain patient on the hunt, you will be rewarded.

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