Strong Photographer, Strong Photographs
When I consider street photography, I believe that the factors determining success have less to do with formalities like composition and lighting skills and more to do with how passionately you engage with life itself. The most successful photographers are at the frontlines of life, exuding courage and fully engaging with their surroundings.
Because you will have more strength, endurance, and longevity to continue walking and moving through the frontlines of life! Perhaps the main thing photographers should focus on is simply lifting weights and walking longer distances.
Photography Has Nothing to Do with Photography
When I first started photographing abroad in Israel, I spent every morning in the gym, lifting weights. I recognized that courage and confidence were critical to moving through the heavily militarized streets. It became clear to me that more than compositional skills or understanding lighting were required to become a strong photographer; it demands real, physical strength.
Train with a Friend
Having a friend who shares similar values and curiosities is a privilege. During my travels, I was fortunate to meet Matthew, who had the same crazy courage as I did to venture into the unknown. After our first experience photographing conflict at the checkpoint of Qalandia, we decided to wrestle in the grass to boost our courage. Knowing that we were willing to confront each other physically increased our trust, enabling us to continue exploring chaotic environments with our lives on the line.
Lift for Leisure
Don’t force yourself to lift weights; think of it as leisure and pleasure. It shouldn’t feel like a chore. I favor exercises like:
- Farmers’ walks
- Push-ups
- Pull-ups
as simple ways to kickstart my day. My goal is to get stronger incrementally over time without the desire to lift heavy weights or become a steroid-raging strongman. Just keep it simple and focus on longevity.
The Goal is Strength and Curiosity
The balance between physical strength and creative curiosity is what all photographers should focus on. The stronger you become, the more you will walk. The more you walk, the more curious you become. The more curious you are, the more photographs you will make!
“Photography has nothing to do with photography; it’s most important to be strong, confident, and courageous.”
I want to explore the unknown without my physical strength becoming a limitation. The ultimate goal is to be strong and fueled with endurance to keep moving onward and conquer the streets!
Embracing the Physicality of Photography
The idea with street photography is that it’s a physical medium. You have to be out there walking endlessly. From the ground up, we should consider how to approach the streets by enhancing our physicality. Think about how we can improve our strength. Wearing a vest while walking for half an hour or longer could be the ultimate test. Can you bear this weight while practicing street photography and remain focused?
“The stronger photographer will make stronger photographs. He who walks the most shall win.”
Photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about being present and engaged with life. The stronger your body, the more opportunities you’ll have to create compelling photographs that reflect your experience and perspective. So go out there, lift, walk, and embrace the streets with curiosity and courage!