The Health Hive Mind

When I see a lot of the office buildings in the city, they look like big beehives. Lots of worker bees and lots of sweet honey being produced. Everybody is wearing the same suit and tie, following the same orders, and working on the same things. Corporations become like a bee colony of thousands of people promoting the same ideas.

Certain corporations like General Mills, that produce the famous breakfast cereal Cheerios, claim that their product is beneficial for heart health because it lowers your cholesterol. Whenever I see their box in a grocery store and the shape of a heart, with their strategic branding, I can’t help but feel like I’m being lied to as a customer. Thought experiment:

Who will be healthier?

Person A: Eats 2000 calories of cheerios

Person B: Eats 2000 calories of beef

Obviously the person who eats the beef will be healthier and stronger. The problem is the fact that people have become scared of cholesterol because of these large corporations and their marketing tactics. Many Americans have replaced an animal-based diet that we’ve had since the beginning of time, with processed, factory-made junk food. Also, my thought is that vegan diets are promoted more than ever nowadays because the corporations know it’s trendy, easy to produce, and will make them more money.

As individuals we must become more critical of hive minds that exist, such as corporations, social media, and news sources. Leave the colony and think for yourself.

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