Treat your body like art

You are both the sculptor and the sculpture. Treat your body as if it belongs to the Vatican’s archives. I believe that it’s more virtuous to flex your physical body, than to buy some superfluous material possession like a Lamborghini.

Why care for your body?

I think in today’s modern world we are more focused on how much “stuff” you can acquire in our lifetime. My antidote for this is to treat the body as if it doesn’t belong to you. There’s nothing on this planet that can replace your physical body as you only get one. Your body matters because it’s a reflection of your soul. Your soul *is* your body.

Strong body, strong mind.

The more muscle, the better. The stronger we become, the sharper our minds. As photographers, it’s critical for us to consider the connection from our body and our mind. Ultimately, this relationship is what guides us through the world to make photographs. The stronger the body, the stronger the photographs we create.

You only live once

One of my problems with modern Christian ideology is the fact that we focus too much on the afterlife and less about this physical world that we live in now. Perhaps we have to set some of these virtues aside and create our own morals and ethics. For instance, I’d rather be strong and powerful than meek and humble. You’re going to be living in this body for the rest of your life on this earth. Treat it as such and focus on building muscle each day.

You are art

One frustration I have with modern society is that we oftentimes look at possessions and “things” such as tech as our greatest achievements of humanity. Possessions such as clothes and cars are oftentimes flexed in the modern world as a sign of success. However, having a strong and healthy body is the ultimate flex. I think it’s more virtuous to flex your body, than some lame “thing” like a Lamborghini…

You are both sculpture and sculptor

Treat your body like art. You are both a sculpture and the sculptor. I think that this is a wise way to think about the body. Perhaps it will motivate you each day to wake up in the morning and be proud of the reflection you see in the mirror. I find this to be a great way to motivate myself, and hope to share that with others. It’s something that may seem vain or insane, but I believe it actually is a virtuous way to think about your body.

Treat your body like it doesn’t belong to you

Christianity says that one day you will die and be in Paradise forever with God. Sometimes people that are extreme will even go out of their way to self flagellate as Jesus was before nailed to the Cross… There’s a denial of the human body that occurs with this base way of thinking. To transcend and go beyond, affirm your life and your body. Lift it up high and remain proud. It’s our duty as man to be strong and to see what is capable of human greatness.

Think of everything you do as art

The world is our canvas. Think of everything you do as art. There’s something special about this idea. Whether it’s your thoughts, words, pictures, videos, media, etc… You are art. Treat your body like it is an Ancient Greek sculpture worth championing!

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