Why lift weights?

Fitness always comes first in my life. When I wake up early in the morning, I instantly begin to walk around my room, stretch, and get my day started off on a positive note with some physical fitness. We should lift weights because the duty of man is to be strong.

“What does not kill me, makes me stronger.” – Nietzsche

Keep it simple

Firstly, I believe that lifting weights can be done simply, and honestly without much effort at all. Seriously, these things are often times misconstrued through social media, influencers and workout plans that you can find online. My thought is that keeping it simple and focusing on longevity is ultimately the goal. I want to lift weights until I am 120 years old. I believe the reason why we should lift weights is to increase our strength each day. I find that the stronger I become, the more confident, beautiful, and courageous I am. Besides increasing my muscle mass, it’s merely a way to start the day off on a good note. The typical American way of life is waking up, turning on the TV, checking, social media, and eating some sort of unhealthy breakfast foods. To combat this, we should embrace, weight lifting, and training first and foremost. Everything else should fall to the wayside in the beginning of the day. I find that when I wake up and start lifting weights and stretching my body throughout the morning, it sets the rest of my day up for success.

How to lift?

The main lifting technique that I recommend is the farmers walk. You simply pick up two heavy dumbbells, kettle bells, etc. and walk them out. Why farmers walk? It focuses on grip strength and your posture. I believe that the modern people lack proper posture. We’re often confined to sitting throughout the day and hunched over with our backs leaning forward to operate computers. When you practice the farmers walk, it allows you to train your posture. You simply hold two heavy things by your side with your head held high, chest open, and shoulders back. My other thought is, grip strength is strength. The focus on holding two heavy things with your hands will increase your grip strength, and your longevity. I find that practicing the farmers walk is something that you can do daily. Because of this, I find it to be the perfect lifting technique. Not to mention, you’re moving your physical body by walking with two heavy weights, and not lying on your back, doing things such as the benchpress. I find this lifting technique is more prone to injury. Whereas, the farmers walk is something simple that anyone can do.

Pull Ups

Fitness can be done anywhere. If I don’t have access to the gym, or just want a quick workout I will use the construction sites on the streets to do pull ups. The idea is to make fitness simple and accessible for yourself. You don’t need to do any crazy routines to get fit. My favorite routine is: farmers walk with dumbells, pull ups, pistol squats, push ups, dips, and pigeon pose stretch.

Longevity and Muscle

Push your limits and see what you are capable of while you are young. Consider longevity and embrace pain as the ultimate teacher. Adjust accordingly and allow yourself time to find what works best for you. I personally wake up, do some yoga, farmers walk, push-ups, pull-ups, and sometimes dead lift. I genuinely keep my fitness routine as simple as possible because I’m considering longevity. The ultimate solution for me is to take things easy, but do rigorous and short intense workouts multiple times throughout the day. Home gym seems to be the greatest solution because you do not have to depend on memberships and transportation.

Spartan Lifestyle

The Spartan lifestyle is a simple one. Embrace minimalism and remove the superfluous things from your life. This means no weed, no alcohol, no porn, no Reddit, no news, no TV, and no Instagram. Try a pair of barefoot shoes, specifically the Vibram Five Finger ELX model.

Live like a homeless person and treat every day like Spartan Agoge training. Spend as much time as you can outside. Walk without a shirt on. Be friendly and say hi to strangers. Compliment others and have fun when on the street. Spread more kindness and joy, but don’t take any shit from others. Think outside and go for a long walks in nature. Find a space for you to catch the sunrise each day and preferably start your day at an elevated surface. Don’t take yourself so seriously and embrace the spirit of play. Detach yourself from basic notions of identity, but channel your inner warrior spirit.

The Body is Democratic:

  • Walk more
  • Sun exposure
  • Sleep 8-12 hours
  • Daily lifting: farmers walk, push ups, pull ups
  • 100% red meat carnivore diet
  • One meal per day
  • Fasting: no breakfast, no lunch.
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