Why longevity matters

In art, health, and everything in between, I find longevity to be a great goal to strive towards.

Why longevity?

Longevity is critical. I’m not one to take up a hobby, or do something for only a short period of time. My goal has always been to make photos until the day that I die with a camera in hand. Similarly to my weightlifting, I would like to continuously increase my strength even into old age. I’m not looking to get jacked fast or have an insanely huge muscular physique like these grotesque bodybuilder types that you see on social media. I strive to keep my approach to both art and fitness, a simple and streamlined as possible so that I can continuously move onwards.

Keep it simple stupid

For me, simplicity is key. In terms of my photography, I find that photographing using a small JPEG file with a built-in high contrast, black-and-white simulation, I can creatively thrive more than ever. I simply point and shoot, come home and call, and publish immediately.

Fitness is leisure

My problem with a lot of modern fitness is this emphasis on cardio, counting calories, and especially running. For me, running has never been fun, but merely self-flagellation. Honestly, when I see runners, I think of them as prey, running away from a lion. My solution is to simply go for long walks. I’ve never met a runner later in life that doesn’t have some sort of health complication or knee problems. as a photographer, running is foolish at best because it will tire you out and not be sustainable in the long run. Just go for extremely long walks and make photos instead.

Just knock it out

When it comes to weightlifting, the farmers walk seems to be the best technique. This is because it is highly practical and engages your entire body. Also, you don’t need any fancy gym equipment to remain fit. Simple pull-ups and push-ups are enough to increase your strength and get a quick pump in. I honestly do not spend more than 10 to 15 minutes in the gym every day, and I’m extremely satisfied with my results and my increase of strength. A lot of these bodybuilder types will spend hours in the gym doing countless reps for no reason. Just keep it simple and knock it out first thing in the morning.

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