Why you should delete your Instagram

First and foremost, we don’t want to build our platform on quicksand. All social media sites are always bound to become outdated and people will always move onto a new one. In terms of street photography, we should focus more on our own vision and not become influenced by others opinions or work. When you don’t post work to Instagram, you can make sure you stay grounded and true to your own beliefs and values as a photographer without the judgment of others. Since deleting my Instagram, I’ve become liberated and free.

Advertisements are the big problem

My big problem with Instagram is the fact that advertisements constantly pop up on your feed to buy this and buy that to improve your life. They constantly try to sell you some beauty product, camera gear, or fake lifestyle that the ads and users make you believe that you need. Instagram basically spies on you and knows everything about your personal life. It’s uncanny when the advertisements being promoted to your feed are directly what they believe that you need. I feel like the only reason Instagram exists is so that people can get quick entertainment while simultaneously having their data collected without thinking twice about it.

Who the real owner if your boss gets a salary?
I am one with the people
I am one with the people (Real!)
I’ve been woken from enlightened man’s dream
Checkin’ Instagram comments to crowdsource my self-esteem

Kanye West

Trends are boring

When you use Instagram, you’re bound to be bombarded by all sorts of lame trends. The act of consuming, scrolling and staying so connected to whatever everyone else is doing is detrimental to our creative process. Disconnect from the mainstream and create your own stream.

Don’t be an Insta slave

What is an Insta Slave? Insta Slaves are essentially digital sharecroppers. They borrow land and put the work up on a foreign entity. We should pay for the services that we use to display our work and thoughts. Instagram has to be the worst way to display our art. I get it, you want to market yourself as a photographer and have people see your work. Why not just create your own website? Tell people to google your name and just have them find you that way. Don’t allow Instagram to be your owner. Own yourself and your own domain.

Escape the digital ghetto

  1. Delete your Instagram
  2. Create your domain using bluehost.com
  3. Start building on WordPress.org
  4. Install Astra theme
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