Embrace Your Childlike Curiosity

Embrace Your Childlike Curiosity

I’m very passionate about curiosity and imagination. I believe that to become a better artist, you must embrace the spirit of play.

Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously

In today’s world, it seems like everyone is trying to become a serious person—an artist, a businessman, etc. Honestly, I don’t trust anybody who takes themselves too seriously. I’d rather trust someone who jokes around, embraces comedy, and doesn’t get upset or offended so easily. Why am I passionate about this? I believe life is too short. Taking yourself seriously all the time will make things boring and blasé.

When it comes to my photography, I hope to channel my inner lust for life and curiosity. To do this, I stay in the spirit of becoming, embracing life with openness and honesty. Every morning, I aim to increase my curiosity by even just 0.000001%—for this, I believe, is what success truly means in both photography and in life. What am I curious about today?

The Ultimate Goal Is to Remain Outdoors

Treat your home like a bunker. Even during winter, I find myself outside, exploring endlessly. I can’t stand being indoors—it’s the ultimate bore. I think spending too much time inside is a modern tragedy. That’s where souls go to die. Being outdoors is life itself.

Whenever I’m inside, I keep my windows open, letting fresh air circulate. The more time you spend indoors, the more disconnected you become. At the end of the day, ask yourself:

  • How much did you see?
  • How far did you walk?
  • Who did you meet?
  • What experiences did you have?
  • How did you feel?

To walk is to be human. We are bipedal for a reason…

Use Your Imagination

When I walk along the river, I sometimes imagine I’m a revolutionary soldier, marching with Washington. I find this playful approach far better than walking as if it’s a chore. I look up at the clouds, watch birds fly by, and contemplate my connection to nature. There’s power within our minds—we can craft our own world through imagination.

In photography, treat the world as a canvas. The world is open, and endless to explore. Photography becomes a superpower when we’re not confined to boxes or the four corners of a canvas. Each photograph is like a sketch of life, and even mundane details—the way sunlight hits leaves, or the texture of a well-worn street—become part of our story.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Follow Your Curiosity

The ultimate goal is to follow your curiosity. When you go out with your camera, don’t plan. Let instinct guide you. Photography is my excuse to set my body in motion, and I think that when you walk without preconceived notions, you find yourself in a pure, childlike state.

Some ideas to experiment with:

  • Photograph only using macro mode: Dive into the small, overlooked details.
  • Use automatic functions on your camera: Embrace a carefree approach.
  • Photograph along a body of water: There’s something grounding about water, an invitation to flow and reflect.
  • Walk 75% slower than everyone else: Give yourself time to notice everything—textures, colors, patterns.

Turn Within

Turn within, and you will not help but have a grin. For your imagination and lust for life will help you win. In the end, the goal is to stay open and curious, seeing beauty in the mundane. Let curiosity guide you each day, as it fills life with richness and makes even the smallest details a new adventure.

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