Carte Blanche

Carte Blanche

Every day anew.

When I wake up each morning, I consider it a mini birth. I never want my curiosity to end. The goal of an artist is to question everything and to maintain this child-like wonder until the day we die.

Question Everything

I like to ask “why” about every little detail in the world. This allows me to dig deeper into every action and every thought I have. Don’t just live life on autopilot—start seeing beyond the surface.

“Start with a blank slate.”
The day you think you’re a master of anything is the day you metaphorically die. The new masters are amateurs. We embrace the state of play and find ourselves in a stream of becoming through the photographic process.

Treat Every Day Like It’s Your Last

You never know if today could be your last. The fate of all humans is our inevitable death. Let this reality fuel your actions and keep you focused on your true passions in life.

“Live every single day like it’s your last. What would you do today if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?”

You could be gone any minute—anything could happen, whether it’s a random accident or something completely unforeseen. As absurd as it sounds, a coconut could fall from a tree, ending everything. In Rome, some trees are tall enough that it’s possible. Imagining such randomness reminds me: walk with intention every single day. Fortify yourself each morning—a cold shower, head held high, shoulders back. Be prepared to face the day like a warrior, ready to slay dragons.

Become a Monster, Then Tame Yourself

There’s power in coming onto the street each day with the mindset of a warrior. Embrace your strength and focus on your physical self. To live each day fully, you have to have the courage to say no to what you don’t want and yes to what you do. What don’t you want to do? Decide that first. Becoming strong starts with defining your boundaries.

Make Each Action Count

If I knew today was my last, I’d make every picture count. Every photo, every moment, would be like my last. I’d create as much as possible, sharing what’s on my mind, recording my thoughts as a digital time capsule—a legacy. For me, YouTube and my blog are not just platforms; they’re tools to propagate an artist’s voice.

Create your legacy. Each interaction matters: smile at someone, say hello. Be a ripple in the lives of others. Every little thing counts, even the small moments that might seem insignificant.

If This Was Your Last Day

What would you do if you knew this was your last day? I know what I’d do: I’d have my camera in hand. I’d be on my deathbed, still taking pictures. That’s the beauty of the Ricoh; it fits right in your pocket, even in life’s final moments. I came to this conclusion years ago. Sure, I won’t have a big DSLR hanging from my neck, but the small moments captured—that’s the point.

Most people die in a bed, in a hospital. So what do you do to combat that slow death? Move. Constantly move. Every day is a new chance to bring meaning to the time you have, to walk with purpose and intent.

No fear. Stay curious and courageous!

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