How to Become a Demigod

Praise the Sun God

First and foremost, you should get sun exposure every single day. This means more time outside. Preferably with minimum clothing on and to be outside for the maximum amount of time humanly possible. If you’re in a cold climate, just wear a really nice winter jacket. In order to get good sleep you must increase your sun exposure early in the morning. I think if it’s a cloudy day, you can still get some sunlight. Set your circadian rhythm every day and get your ass in the sun.

Sugar hijacks you, and slowly kills you…

The problem with sugar is it hijacks your body. The connection between your gut and your brain is often times overlooked. This is why I’m a fan of kimchi and it’s probiotics that it provides in my gut. Having a healthy gut and strong body is vital for human thriving. The gut speaks to your brain every day. There’s millions of micro organisms that live inside you and are responsible for your brain’s health. Everything’s connected. If your brain is telling you “mmmm yummy cookie, that looks good,” there’s clearly a problem. You shouldn’t be looking at these fake looking foods with bright popping colors, Cheetos, Doritos, Pringles, cookies, candy, etc. with an appetite. They should repulse you. Your gut should be speaking to your brain right in that moment, telling you please do not put this in my body.

To walk is to be human

Humans are bipedal for a reason. We have two legs because we are hunters and gatherers in nature. We should be moving our physical bodies constantly. We should be outdoors all day long. The only time I like to stay indoors is to eat and to sleep. If it’s raining outside, embrace the elements or go and walk around somewhere indoors. There’s no need to be sitting down in the day. If you are a human, you are designed to move. Just let the robots do the other shit.

Death to the media

It’s my belief that our newfound religion in the world is consumerism. To be sedentary and to sit in front of a screen all day is the new norm. This is not good and very unnatural. If you want to become more human, I have some advice. Do not watch the news, do not watch any movies, TV shows, social media, etc. Delete your Instagram, stop watching YouTube videos and Podcasts, and get your ass outside. People that watch TV shows on Netflix or cable, truly baffles me. How can you find yourself enjoying this garbage? Do not consume garbage whether it’s media or food. I’d rather stare at the sky and watch the clouds move slowly. Or even better, create your own media empire!

Drugs and alcohol are for losers

If you’re an adult, and you’re consuming any alcohol, smoking weed, or indulging in any weird drugs, I think that there’s something seriously wrong here. Anytime you take a sip of alcohol, recognize that you are poisoning your body. Why are we purposely doing this to ourselves? I seriously believe that the cultural influences around you and society’s pressures can become a huge toll on us. Make sure that your friends are good people. Stay away from social contagion like the plague. Don’t allow yourself to become indoctrinated by others.

Focus on becoming strong

Your body should be strong. You should be able to lift heavy things. You should be able to lift your own body weight above a pull up bar. You should be doing push-ups every morning. You should be able to stretch and touch your toes. Your core should be like a rock and you should be able to sustain heavy weight on your back. It is our duty as men to be strong!

Fast all day and eat red meat

What is the antidote to modernity? Simulate how we were designed in nature. Keep yourself fasted until the end of the day and eat plenty of red meat. Treat yourself like a Spartan and become a warrior with every step you make throughout the day. We are strong and capable of fasting. You do not need to consume it. Just wait until the end of the day and pretend like you had a full day of hunting. Simulate what it was like to live like our ancestors. Red meat is good for you. Just clear your body of all of the toxins and start fasting. Eating red meat and fasting all day will allow you to focus and become stronger.

Demigod goals

The goal is to lose fat and to gain muscle. We want to become like those ancient Greek demigods. How to do this? Eat more red meat! Get good sleep. Increase your sun exposure. Walk more. Start lifting. Stay away from sugar and toxins. Don’t watch the news or stay in tune with the latest media and avoid social contagion like the plague.

Subtraction is more powerful than addition:

  • No porn, no fap 
  • No smoking, no alcohol
  • No breakfast, no lunch
  • No news, no social media
  • No sunglasses, no hats
  • No AirPods in public

The simple things go a long way:

  • More sleep
  • More sunlight
  • More walking
  • More weightlifting
  • More red meat
  • More smiling
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